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Outstanding Research Award / Research Leadership Academy

Note: All internal due dates are currently based on an estimated university due date. If the actual university due date is sooner than the estimated date, internal due dates may need to be updated. Any changes to due dates will be communicated as quickly as possible.

(ESTIMATED) 12.13.24 Names of nominees are due to department/unit heads – contact your department/unit head for what is required
(ESTIMATED) 1.8.25 Full packages are due to department/unit heads and the Award Review Group – department/unit heads submit nominations (up to 2) – nominees to email materials to Xiangwu Zhang
(ESTIMATED) 1.15.25 Award Review Group selects college nominations; all nominees are notified; comments and suggestions on packages are due to the college nominees
(ESTIMATED) 1.29.25 Final packages are due to the dean’s office – nominees to email them to the dean’s EA
(ESTIMATED) 2.12.25 Packages are due to the university – Dean’s EA will submit

Wilson College of Textiles Nomination Limit: 2

Award Review Group (all by position): Emiel DenHartog, Jeff Joines, Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Kristin Thoney, Xiangwu Zhang

Award Website:

Award Information
 The Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award and membership in the Research Leadership Academy is intended to recognize NC State’s leading scholars and faculty mentors. Members are expected to participate and contribute to the advancement of scholarship within the NC State academic community.

The Research Leadership Academy (RLA) is the faculty-driven epicenter of research leadership and faculty mentoring enhancing NC State’s research and scholarship culture. The RLA is composed of the University’s most outstanding researchers from diverse fields; members are selected on their records of and active engagement in research and mentoring of faculty. The RLA is charged with the development and advocacy of best research and administrative practices for the development of the diverse research faculty at NC State.

Membership in the RLA is lifetime as long as the member is associated with NC State and agrees to a commitment of active service to the Academy for a minimum of three years. Members are expected to take an active role in promoting the research enterprise across campus by leading activities such as seminars, research and leadership education programs, and mentoring programs for faculty. The goals of the RLA are:

  • to encourage a culture of faculty mentoring across campus,
  • empower faculty for success,
  • advance an intellectual, multidisciplinary research community, and
  • promote best administrative practices throughout the NC State research community.

All NC State faculty members including active tenured, tenure track, professional track, and administrators are eligible.