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Gertrude Cox Award

Important Dates:
11.20.24 Full packages are due to the Award Review Group – nominees to email them to Jeff Joines and Selina Williams
11.25.24 Award Review Group sends comments and suggestions about packages back to the nominees
12.13.24 Final packages are due to the dean’s office – nominees to email them to the dean’s EA
1.15.24 Packages are due to the university – Dean’s EA will submit

Wilson College of Textiles Nomination Limit: No Limit

Award Review Group (all by position): Andy Click, Jeff Joines

Award Website:

Award Information
The Gertrude Cox Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology has been created to honor the creative pedagogy of NC State’s faculty and technical staff and their work in integrating new technologies into effective teaching strategies.

Criteria and Eligibility

  • Nominees should be current faculty or small groups of faculty who have worked together on a single project at NC State University
  • Nominations should be based on a project developed or refined in the previous academic year or earlier that has produced demonstrable evidence of advances in student learning for at least one academic year
  • Nominees from previous years who did not win the award may reapply with documented refinements of previously-submitted projects
  • There is a two-year waiting period from the year of receipt of the award to be eligible for nomination for a new project

Selection is by peer-reviewed faculty process, and judging will be based on:

  • Impact on student learning, student motivation and student creativity
  • Impact of teaching innovation on campus and beyond campus
  • Technical merit
  • Navigational logic
  • Design
    • Multimedia elements
    • Originality
    • Connection to target curriculum
    • Depth and breadth of project content
    • Accessibility/Usability
    • Aesthetics